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Finland 5 Euro Animals of the Provinces - Lapland Reindeer 2015
№ 17053/51 Finland 5 Euro Animals of the Provinces - Lapland Reindeer 2015 7.40
Finland 5 Euro Animals of the Provinces - Uusimaa Hedgehog 2015
№ 17053/52 Finland 5 Euro Animals of the Provinces - Uusimaa Hedgehog 2015 7.40
Finland 5 Euro Animals of the Provinces - Satakunta Beaver 2015
№ 17053/53 Finland 5 Euro Animals of the Provinces - Satakunta Beaver 2015 7.40
Finland 5 Euro Animals of the Provinces - Finland Proper Fox 2014
№ 17053/54 Finland 5 Euro Animals of the Provinces - Finland Proper Fox 2014 Not available now
Finland 5 Euro Animals of the Provinces - Aland Eagle 2014
№ 17053/55 Finland 5 Euro Animals of the Provinces - Aland Eagle 2014 9.90
Finland 5 Euro Animals of the Provinces - Karelia Cuckoo 2014
№ 17053/56 Finland 5 Euro Animals of the Provinces - Karelia Cuckoo 2014 9.90
Finland 5 Euro Animals of the Provinces - Savonia Bird 2014
№ 17053/57 Finland 5 Euro Animals of the Provinces - Savonia Bird 2014 9.90
Finland 5 Euro Northern Nature - Waters 2014
№ 17053/58 Finland 5 Euro Northern Nature - Waters 2014 9.90
Finland 5 Euro Northern Nature - Wilderness 2014
№ 17053/59 Finland 5 Euro Northern Nature - Wilderness 2014 9.90
Finland Euro Coins Set Rahasarja I 2009 BUNC
№ 37502125/00 Finland Euro Coins Set Rahasarja I 2009 BUNC 17.99
Finland Euro Cons Set UNC 2013
№ 17038/8 Finland Euro Cons Set UNC 2013 9.42
5 Euro Provincial Buildings - Savonia
№ 17302/00 5 Euro Provincial Buildings - Savonia 9.42
5 Euro Provincial buildings - Turku Cathedral
№ 17081/00 5 Euro Provincial buildings - Turku Cathedral 9.42
5 Euro Provincial buildings - Satakunta
№ 17082/00 5 Euro Provincial buildings - Satakunta 9.42
5 Euro Provincial Buildings - Aland
№ 17083/00 5 Euro Provincial Buildings - Aland 9.42
5 Euro Provincial Buildings - Karelia
№ 17303/00 5 Euro Provincial Buildings - Karelia 9.42
5 Euro Provincial Buildings - Hame
№ 17305/00 5 Euro Provincial Buildings - Hame 9.42
5 Euro Provincial Buildings - Ostrobothnia
№ 17304/00 5 Euro Provincial Buildings - Ostrobothnia 9.42
5 Euro 2012 IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship
№ 16727/01 5 Euro 2012 IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship 10.37
5 Euro Provincial Buildings - Lapland
№ 17053/01 5 Euro Provincial Buildings - Lapland 10.37
5 Euro Provincial Buildings - Uusimaa
№ 17048/01 5 Euro Provincial Buildings - Uusimaa 10.37
5 Euro Nordic Nature - Summer
№ 17240/00 5 Euro Nordic Nature - Summer 9.42
5 Euro Nordic Nature - Winter
№ 16993/01 5 Euro Nordic Nature - Winter 10.37
5 Euro Nordic Nature - Fauna
№ 16992/01 5 Euro Nordic Nature - Fauna 10.37
5 Euro Nordic Nature - Flora
№ 16989/01 5 Euro Nordic Nature - Flora 10.37
The Children and Creativity 20 Euro Silver
№ 15566/00 The Children and Creativity 20 Euro Silver Not available now

Silver coins - Dog Breeds

The twelve-part series of silver coins of the Czech Mint is dedicated to the most popular dog breeds. The first issue belongs to the German shepherd. More ...


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